
Ways to Save

Here is a link on how to maximize savings at Target, given to me by my wife.

Target Savings


Coupon Policies

I have been doing most of the food and household shopping for our house for some time now, mostly because I have been turned on to using coupons on anything and everything possible. I wanted to note what the different stores' coupon policies are, so here are the links to each:

Dollar General
Family Dollar

More to come as I need or find them.


Using symbols not found on keyboard

I wanted to reply to a FB post with a temperature, but also wanted to include the "degrees" symbol. I noticed that it was not to be found anywhere on my keyboard. A quick google search gave me this, which worked:

Hold Alt then press 0 1 7 6 in order, then release Alt to get " ° ".

Not too difficult and fairly easy to remember.

I like to post new things that I learn so I can refer to my blog at a later time for reference.


Learned something useful and new today...

Make sure to read all info before performing the task in full.

If you ever forget your password to log onto Windows this site's tool is very helpful:

Offline NT Password and Registry Editor

You first need to click on "Bootdisk" in the top left corner to download the tool. Then use a burning program to burn the iso that is found after unzipping/unraring the downloaded file, to a CD. I used PowerISO, which can be downloaded here, to burn the iso(image) to a CD.

You then need to put the newly created CD into the PC of which you forgot the password to. You may have to change the boot order in the BIOS to boot from the CD drive first, unless you are given an option to choose your boot device when your computer starts. Now, just boot from the CD and follow the instructions from the page where the tool was downloaded from.



Start the recovery console. Boot from an installation CD and select R for repair.

Run these commands -
chkdsk c: /r /p
exit (to reboot)

That is it.

You can find his original post HERE


I Miss You


I know that I only saw you once a year or every two years, but since you have passed recently, I still really miss you. Things have changed, you are no longer here. I can remember coming to stay with you and Grandma and spending time visiting on the porch for hours at a time until late into the evening. As stories were exchanged between family members, other cousins or aunts and uncles would come and go. I loved being there with everybody, I loved listening and laughing. I loved to watch how Rhett and Scarlett would come and get cheese from you. I had never seen a cat eat cheese or want cheese as a treat before.

I remember coming to stay in Denver for about a week when I was about 16 or 17. One of the nights that I was there, we went out to eat with everyone (Brian, Val, Cyndi, Amy, You, and Grandma). Grandpa, you made it a point that I would be driving us there since I was old enough to do so. I hope the drive wasn't too scary, but I will remember that.

I love you Grandpa. I didn't expect this to happen the way it did. I will miss the family get-togethers that we had, but know that you will be remembered at each one we have in the future.

I can still hear your voice. I can hear you calling Rhett over to you in the backyard or calling my mom 'Karri.' I hear you still Grandpa, I see you still Grandpa. I am missing and will greatly miss you Grandpa.

I love you


new post, new post, new post

Well, I got started on this whole blog thing a long while ago and I still like the idea. I obviously don't post very often, but when I do, I have something interesting(to me anyway) to post.

I stumbled to a site today that I am currently enjoying and thought many others would enjoy as well. It is a full page with cd-like pictures that can be clicked on. Clicking on a picture will both start playing music and a video to go with it. It plays continuously and the video doesn't necessarily represent the music but it is catchy. I am browsing/stumbling other pages while it is playing through one of the few tabs open.

Take a look: uWall.tv

Hopefully I will have something to post about in the near future, but likely I will post next year!
